All in Inspiration

Preserving the past - Clayton Farm

It's never been more important than now in preserving our colonial past. Here in Australia, we don’t have quite the history of many other countries, but what we have we feel is unique. One such place I visited recently was Clayton Farm in Tatiara in South Australia. A truly unique experience of farm culture from the 1870s.

Working on collaborations with other creatives

I often enjoy working on collaborations with other creatives; models and actors. Hair and makeup artists. Designers and of course other photographers. I find it rather enjoyable, as well as lots of fun. We're all different and have different ideas. Working with other creatives allows you to expand on ideas in ways you may never have imagined.

Using a flash with flowers - indoors

There is no secret to the fact that I adore photographing flowers, almost as much as people. Flowers are often easier subjects, they don't move (unless it's windy) and will stand or sit for hours, indeed days, without complaint. But when it's dark or very overcast, capturing beautiful flowers can be a little tricky. This is where using a flash, especially indoors really can be just a touch of magic.

Are blogs still relevant?

I was recently asked if I still write my blog? I was slightly surprised by the question. Yes, I do. In fact, I have several blogs. I have one for all my photography stuff, I link back to articles and such. I have one for photographic challenges, one for my thoughts which is private and not released into the wild. I have one for travel and well, just random stuff. But it did get me thinking, are blogs still relevant in 2022?

Creating a Mother’s Day scene for families

Mother’s Day is all about Mum, breakfast in bed and handcrafted gifts, flowers freshly plucked from the garden, right? All the simple joys. But Mum’s are so much more than just a caretaker. Wife, sister, chef, mentor, teacher, nurse, coach, storyteller, monster killer and superwoman. It’s also about connection and bond. Trying to capture that bond is what Mother’s Day mini-sessions are all about.