Should you be using Manual or Aperture Mode? Or something else?
Julie Powell is a photographer, writer and educator, offers unique photographic opportunities and inspirational ideas to help YOU become the photographer you wish to be.
Julie Powell is a photographer, writer and educator, offers unique photographic opportunities and inspirational ideas to help YOU become the photographer you wish to be.
All in Photography
Should you be using Manual or Aperture Mode? Or something else?
Let’s go on a treasure hunt
Here is a new take on an old theme, a Treasure Hunt. I used to love these as a kid. So did my kids. And I am betting today’s kids will too. Now, let’s mix it up a little and bring it into the 21st Century…
Where does blurring the line between straight photography and digital art happen? Is it in the styling, the shoot or the edit?
Are you struggling to get your reds, really red? Here is a few tips to try…
Have you ever considered water balloons as a type of child-friendly extreme sport? When you bring some photographic elements into it, it can be. This one is perhaps not for the little ones, but for older kids with a bit of adult supervision.
Here are a few tips for creating better styling for still life and food images…
Take a little look behind the curtain as I feature images taken NOT by me, but people who have attended one (or more) or my still life workshops.
When it comes to flowers what is best to use in still life or macro photography — fresh, dried or artificial? I think there is room for all three, and there are some pros and cons for each. Let’s take a closer look…
One of the biggest fears we face when starting anything new is failing, right? Photography is no different, what if we are no good, what if we just don’t ‘get it’, what if people don’t like our photos, what if we cannot offer anything unique or special? So we fear failing, for some of us it is crippling, so much so we put down the camera. For me the camera is just an extension to myself, I feel lost without it, but it wasn’t always so. …
Looking for some fun photographic ideas for kids this summer? Try melting some Skittles. This is a little more involved than it looks on the surface, but loads of fun for kids of all ages. It can also be an indoor or outdoor activity. Setup can take a bit, but that can be part of the fun as well. There is also a cool science type vibe about it…
Something to consider when styling and composing for a still life photoshoot is whether or not to use height — and I am not referring to standing on a ladder. If all of the items in your scene are fairly flat to the background, how will you place or angle your camera so that the viewer can see all of the items in your image? Let’s look at using varied heights to shoot with…
When it comes to still life and food photography, often the biggest problem most stylist and photographers have is props … or lack of them. This week we are going to delve a little further into my own prop stash, I’ll show you my 10 favourite and most used props with food photography. You do not need a lot, in fact, just a few of these are perfect to get you started and you may already have them in your own home.
This is a snippet from my brand new Capturing Light for Better Photography Class, it gets a little sciency (well as much as I can achieve), but it all just gets more fun from here (and a lot less technical!)
Looking for some fun photographic ideas for kids this summer? Try melting some different colored icypoles (what we call popsicles in Australia) and capture the fun. I used red, green and orange (just like traffic lights).
This week we are going to explore another of my favorite styles of still life photography, soft and dreamy. I adore using flat light, so soft, so dreamy and ever so vintage in my mind, they just go together beautifully.
This week I am going to explore MY signature style — dark and moody still life photography. It was my first love with still life and to be honest … it still is. It is what I am known for and I usually end up teaching in my Workshops, as it is requested so often.
So, let’s get a little dark and moody …This is my fifth instalment on in the Still Life series
How do you know when you are ready to enter competitions, judged shows or even try for a Gallery Exhibition…
My next instalment of Still Life for, this time all about Lighting
My third installment of my Still Life photography articles for Photofocus is now available
There is a difference between Depth of Field and Focal Plane, but they do work hand in hand to help you create your image…